Timeline: 17th of March - leaving Largs Yacht Haven and sailing to Portavadie.
We have been invited to a surprise birthday party some time last year, maybe at the end of the summer 2021 but I cannot confirm as the invitation has been lost together with the device it has been received on while actually on the way to that party, somewhere in the Firth of Clyde. My donation to the Davie Jones’s locker didn’t end there, as the sea state triggered off my sea sickness and my naivety that 2 years into full time sailing I should be cured of that infliction.
As Mark has already mentioned Portavadie trip in the previous blog, I just wanted to share some photos from that places - which was very nice and peaceful. Clearly, cannot share any from leaving Largs and getting to the crossroad at which my phone and I parted our ways... That for sure taught me a lesson to always back up data.
